Public Projects
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Bids Due in 28 days
2/12/25 2:00pm
RFP 25/22 West Middle Flooring Upgrades
Bids Due in 28 days
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
Bids Due tomorrow at 2:00pm
1/16/25 2:00pm
Electronic bidding
C-25047 Juniper Building Switches
Bids Due tomorrow at 2:00pm
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
The Columbia School District is seeking bids for Juniper Building Switches.
Bids Due tomorrow at 2:00pm
1/16/25 2:00pm
Electronic bidding
Bids Due tomorrow at 2:00pm
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
The Columbia Public School District (District) is requesting quotes for Mitel Phones
Bidding Closed
1/15/25 2:00pm
RFP C-26003 Furniture & Installation Services
Bidding Closed
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
The scope of work is to identify a reliable and experienced vendor(s) who aligns with the District’s needs for furniture and installation services. Approved manufacturers will include Hon or National. Furniture will include but not limited to desking, seating, and tables. These products will be specific to cafeteria, classroom, conference, training, media, office, reception, or lounge spaces.
Bids Due in 6 days
1/21/25 2:00pm
Electronic bidding
Bids Due in 6 days
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit qualified vendors who can provide the Columbia Public School District (District) snack vending services, without cost to the District of installing, maintaining machines at each of the specified District locations.
Bidding Closed
1/15/25 2:00pm
RFP 25/21 Benton Elementary Roof Replacement
Bidding Closed
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
Bidding Closed
1/7/25 2:00pm
RFP NO. C-26001 Managed Print Services
Bidding Closed
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit qualified firms to provide a solution to consolidate printing and reproduction capabilities, to provide specifically Multi-function Devices (MFD), to include an offer of Managed Print Services and Centralized Printing Services.
RFP NO. C-26002 K-12 Virtual School
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit qualified firms who can provide the Columbia Public School District (District) a turnkey K-12 virtual school, seeking virtual school providers who provide proven, evidence-based, researched, and culturally relevant programs targeted to engage diverse student populations and content areas.
Bidding Closed
12/4/24 2:00pm
RFQ NO. C-25044 Facility Audit & Building Utilization Services
Bidding Closed
Columbia Public Schools - Purchasing Department
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
Columbia School District is requesting proposals from companies to provide a long-range (10-15 years) facility master plan and building utilization study within the District in accordance with the following scope of work